It Can't Happen Here (pg1) from I Saw It Coming/Anticiption Series, 2020-21, spray paint and acrylic on Yupo, 80" x 52"
It Can't Happen Here (pg2) from I Saw It Coming/Anticiption Series, 2020-21, spray paint and acrylic on Yupo, 80" x 52"
Point-Counter Point (pg1) from I Saw It Coming/Anticiption Series, 2020-21, spray paint and acrylic on Yupo, 80" x 52"
Point-Counter Point (pg2) from I Saw It Coming/Anticiption Series, 2020-21, spray paint and acrylic on Yupo, 80" x 52"
The Wall (pg1) from I Saw It Coming/Anticiption Series, 2020-21, spray paint and acrylic on Yupo, 80" x 52"
The Wall (pg2) from I Saw It Coming/Anticiption Series, 2020-21, spray paint and acrylic on Yupo, 80" x 52"
The Wall (pg3) from I Saw It Coming/Anticiption Series, 2020-21, spray paint and acrylic on Yupo, 80" x 52"
The Wall (pg4) from I Saw It Coming/Anticiption Series, 2020-21, spray paint and acrylic on Yupo, 80" x 52"
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